A Hopeful Prognosis for Rep. Gabrielle Giffords’ Recovery and a Dismal One for Political Correctness

America is jubilant about Rep. Gabrielle Gifford’s’ miraculous medical prognosis as described by these four news reports: 1,23 and 4. President Obama uplifted our spirits by honoring the victims at the memorial service in Tucson. Millions are praying Gabrielle’s recovery can continue to exceed all expectations and boost our country’s unity and optimism.

But some pundits in the media and politics could not respect a season to mourn the tragedies and wait for contributing factors to be discovered.  They issued mendacious calumnies against the right’s vociferous opposition to the policies, values and tactics of statist ruling class progressives and their media allies — utterly ironic in light of Rep Gifford’s having participated in the House’s reading of the Constitution on January 6, by reciting the 1st Amendment.

On the left we have generalized calumnies.  On the right we have “targeted” vociferous opposition.

What an opportunity for America to awaken to the world view that dominates education and the media, heavily influences public policy and prevents the kind of intense and intelligent debate that should be a trademark of democratic societies.

Political Correctness is a masking term to hide the post-modern collectivist world view of moral relativism, secular humanism, tolerance, progressivism and multiculturalism. Those imbued with this outlook couldn’t let this “crisis go to waste” without issuing inhumane, ludicrous and unconscionable accusations against outspokenness on the right.

The post-election wounds from hundreds of Democrats across the country having been extricated from office last November (Republicans now control more state legislative seats than any time since 1928 due to a genuine reform movement), the massively popular Tea Party and the widespread efforts to repeal Obamacare have inflamed the lefts’ desperation.

Even Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik abdicated his objective legal duty, prejudicing the upcoming trial by absurdly linking the shooting to “the vitriol that comes out of certain mouths about tearing down the government.” Time will tell if he’s scapegoating a sense of guilt, his political correctness having prevented him from being more proactive about the years of mental illness warning signs by Jared Loughner, in what may mirror the lethal political correctness that prevented Nidal Hasan from being held accountable for his jihadist telegraphing long before he murdered 13 people at Fort Hood, including a pregnant woman.  Why was no police record found a few hours before the shootings when Loughner was pulled over for speeding, even though he had been arrested more than once on drug possession and the Pima County campus police had requested that he receive a mental examination as a threat to society?  The Phoenix Arizona Republic newspaper has been blocked from accessing Loughner’s police and community college records.

Untethered to fixed standards for truth and morality, the politically correct are immune to specific facts and precedents.  Political fantasy (even if it contains lies) is truth to the Progressive mind and harsh reality is untruth.  Are these the kind of people who should be entrusted with leadership and influence?

This world view should not hold disproportionate sway in our culture. The dark truth about political correctness is painful and difficult for the normal person to fathom, and even more challenging to counteract. It’s time that virtuous Americans and Conservative pundits understand and expose it, instead of being ignorant, mystified, superficial or intimidated by it.

Only two hours after the Tucson tragedy Paul Krugman delivered the first Kamikaze attack, a libelous and shameful article in the New York Times. (Read more Alinsky type screed here, and here.)  The Times recently published defeated Democrat Representative Paul Kanjorski’s hypocritical admonition: “it is incumbent on all Americans to create an atmosphere of civility and respect in which political discourse can flow freely, without fear of violent confrontation.”  That’s the same Paul Kanjorski who, speaking of Florida’s Republican Governor Rick Scott, suggested back in October that, “Instead of running for governor of Florida, they ought to have him and shoot him.  Put him against the wall and shoot him.”  Democrat Senator John Kerry joked in 2006 that he, “could have gone to 1600 Pennsylvania (then President Bush’s address) and killed the real bird with one stone.”

The post-Tucson explosion of mendacity parallels one of the many low points in Bill Clinton’s debased presidency when he insulted all of America asserting that the Oklahoma City bombing was the result of Conservatives’ speaking negatively against government. An unnamed amoral Democrat told Politico on January 11: “They need to deftly pin this on the tea partiers. … Just like the Clinton White House deftly pinned the Oklahoma City bombing on the militia and anti-government people.” Democrat operative Mark Penn said just last November that President Obama needed an event similar to Oklahoma City to reconnect to the voters.

In Hillary Clinton’s world view our society harbors terrorism that’s morally equivalent to that of global Islamist radicals. Referring to 9/11, Secretary Clinton told a town hall meeting in the United Arab Emirates, “We have extremists in my country.” She added that Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, among 19 other innocents, “was just shot by an extremist in our country.”

Progressives cannot be rational about Loughner’s irresponsibility and pure evil because they view sinfulness in collective terms, not individual, except when an individual “deserves” the smearing, ridicule and isolation prescribed in Rules for Radicals by their un-American guru Saul Alinsky, in which he credited Lucifer as the original example for radicals to follow!

See a dramatic expose of the hypocrisy of Krugman and the Palin/Tea Party-blamers here and here.

Remind them of their movie that depicted President Bush’s assassination.

Their post-modern world view is emotionally driven.  They even share some of the nihilism of Jared Loughner concerning truth and reality.  Their political advantage is not gained by intelligent debate but by demonizing the right and authoritarian manipulation of the legal and legislative process (e.g. Obamacare and Roe vs Wade).  The architects of hate continue to frantically reinforce the teetering image of compassionate liberalism and paint Conservatives as the hateful extremists.  So who is being hung on the extremist petard?  Who are the masters of vitriol, deception, demonization, discontent, demagoguery, pandering, class warfare, coercion, division and perpetual grievance?

May the truth about the world view of the politically correct be exposed and may there be a reversal of the damage caused by their cultural Marxist campaign to eradicate Biblical values, Constitutionalism, capitalism and free speech.

One thought on “A Hopeful Prognosis for Rep. Gabrielle Giffords’ Recovery and a Dismal One for Political Correctness

  1. Pingback: Proof that “compassionate” government Progressives are sterilizing “unfit” Black teenage women « Heart Life

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